Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Worst Thing About It...

So I found out about that job I talked about a few posts ago - the one where I said everyone in the office told me that the only way I would get it was to become blond and grow tits? Remember that?
Well, the verdict is in and the job has gone to a cute blond girl.

Now here's the thing, before you all start to say I am a sore loser.

Had she and I been up against one another for any other job, I could have lost without reservation. She's worked here longer than I, she seems pretty smart, and for all I know she does decent work. In my logical mind, my completely unbiased and uninformed mind, she is the winner by nothing by her own hard work.


Because the man who hired her is notorious in our office for only hiring girls of her kind, her selection is forever tainted in my unconscious mind.

And that is the worst thing about going out for a job where the man hiring has a clear bias. She very well may have been the most wonderful candidate for that position, but I doubt I will ever be able to accept her as one.
If I had been hired by an avowed racist, and every other candidate was black, I would never feel completely fulfilled.
Am I saying she shouldn't be?
Who knows.
But I find it hard to believe that when she takes her place on that new team and looks around her to see that she has become the latest easy-on-the-eyes addition to his harem, she won't feel that small niggling feeling of self doubt.
Which is a shame, because if she does feel that way, it cheapens what should be a great accomplishment for her.

I never want to have to ask myself: Did I earn this, or was this given to me?

Anyone showing any kind of bias - who offers up incentives based on race, gender, anything - are forever tainting an entire generation of achievement.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to tell you this but she probably doesn't think anything of it. True such blatant bias does tend to taint things but very often girls are taught that personal appearance is just another feature on the resume. Not in any slutty way, but like having volunteer work on there, or extra curricular activities. It probably didn't even enter into her thought process further than looking her best for her interview.
