Friday, June 26, 2009

Obligatory Rant Against New Vampires

You know what was sweet about vampires?
They fucking murdered people.
The basic formula for the creation of the vampire mythology played out thusly:

(Zombie-like failure to die fully + human intelligence + werewolf like love of night) X (Man-eating cannibalistic tendency + no natural expiration date) = Vampire.

See how simple that is? My God, a child could figure this out. Vampires are the culmination of everything that is unholy and evil in the human imagination. They were great at scaring people into states of almost incomprehensible fear. They come into your room and drink your blood! Your 98.6 degree blood! You know how disgusting beer is when its room temperature? Amp it up another twenty degrees and that is how hot your blood would be. What kind of sick, twisted hell-spawn could enjoy that?
Sure, they had a deeper evil to them. They were dehumanized in that they killed people (can't stress that one enough) but they retained their intelligence. So unlike the zombie, which could honestly be just too damn stupid to realize he is eating his best friend, the vampire can rationalize the evil he is committing. The purpose of this isn't to cause him Anne Rice level angst. It was to make them even more terrifying.
"Yes, I eat people. Damn right. Do I care? No. Why not? Because fuck you, that's why. I'm higher on the food chain." A zombie kills without reason. A werewolf can't control himself either. A vampire knows what he's doing. He's not the 7-11 clerk who shoots a robber because he has no choice. He's the thrill-killer who can't wait to rip open another carotid artery.
So answer me this: Why do lonely housewives and under-developed teenagers find vampires so bloody (pun fully intended) attractive?
Because vampires have been changed from monstrous to misunderstood. No longer are they to be fear, but nurtured and brought back to humanity.
And this appeals to women, who love taking in wounded and terrible men so that they might change them for the better.
(By the way, let me point out now that this post is in no way saying all women are like this. Just most of them. 97%. And if you're reading this you totally aren't one of them.)
In a way, catering to this idea is dangerous. It basically says, "Sure, honey, you love a man who hurts people and will most likely end your life, but if you stay with him, excuse him all of his faults, and love him a whole lot his humanity will shine through and even if he harms you he will repent and most likely say he only did whatever because he loved you."
Yea. There's a healthy message. And if he gives you a rose you owe him a sexual favor.

I honestly can't figure out what pisses me off more about Twilight, Anne Rice, and (to a lesser extent) TrueBlood.
On the one hand, we have the idea that people of all ages are being fed the covert idea that abusive, terrible people should be excused all of their wickedness because of their past (they were bitten by a vampire! their dad never hugged them!). Not to mention that whole, tired "love will conquer all" sentiment. Can we please stop spreading that lie? Let's go back to the Old Yeller approach to the love of something potentially deadly - namely, no matter how much you love it and how much it will hurt to let it go, you should still fucking murder that thing before it gets you first!
On the other hand, though, we have the death of the vampire as a creature of nightmare-breeding terror. And honestly, I don't care if another girl gets into a stupid relationship with an asshole because she wants to feel like she's overcoming something in the name of love (note to you: You're not) as long as some kid wakes up in the night, roused by the sheer, bladder-vacating horror of a vampire-oriented dream.
We don't have many monsters left, people. Zombies have become a fanboy obsession and fodder for video games. Werewolves were never that cool to begin with once you realized they were only a problem once a month. Frankenstein is somewhere in the Arctic. Vampires are our last, best hope for an embodiment of evil to frighten our children with.

This is a moment in history that requires decisive action. Will vampires live on as the life-draining, night-loving, virgin-raping (they did that, right?) hellfiends that we all know and fear, or will they become our children's version of Romeo and Juliet, the symbol of ridiculously misguided love?
It's up to you. You have the power to end this.

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